Friday, January 27

Saltley Gate Remembered

Invite you to Join Us in a Saltley Gate 40th Anniversary Rally
11am Friday 10th Feb at the site Nr Saltley Gate Roundabout

Speakers from the Strike & Current Struggles, Banners Singers & Poets

We are commemorating the day that 30,000 Birmingham Trade Unionists went on strike in support of the National Union of Mineworkers in their bid for fair pay.

15,000 engineering workers picketed to close the gates of the last remaining open fuel depot - Saltley.

The blockade forced police to close the gates.

Come and Bring your Banners & Placards

See the Story of the Day here . . . .

When Workers Unite WE CAN WIN !

Anyone directly involved at the time, please contact us ASAP

In solidarity: Mary Pearson - BTUC Vice President

Wednesday, January 25

Working not a precondition to right to paid holiday, court rules

Workers' right to paid holiday cannot be subject to a minimum period of actual work during the reference period used to calculate entitlement, the European Court of Justice has said.

Ruling in case C-282/10 Dominguez v CICOA, the court held that although EU member states were “free to lay down, in their domestic legislation, conditions for the exercise and implementation of the right to paid annual leave, they are not entitled to make the very existence of that right subject to any preconditions whatsoever”.
Read more: Solicitors Journal 24 January 2012
EDM 2638: Safety of Journalists in Somalia
That this House is concerned about the ongoing threats to, and arrests and killing of journalists in Somalia; condemns the mass arrest of journalists without charge in Somaliland; believes that these arrests are an attempt to intimidate journalists into notcovering news stories critical of the governing authorities; is appalled at the killing of journalist Abdisalan Sheik Hassan, who was shot dead on 18 December 2011; equally condemns the killing of journalists Farah Hasan Sahel, Noramfaizul Mohd Nor and Abdiaziz Ahmed Aden, who were killed in 2011; supports the efforts of the National Union of Somali Journalists andits members who perform a crucial role in reporting in Somalia against a background of violence and intimidation for carrying out their jobs; and urges the Foreign and Commonwealth Office to raise the issues of organised and continuing threats against journalists in Somalia as a matter of urgency with the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia.
Primary sponsor: Jeremy Corbyn, date tabled: 24/01/2012

Put your MP to work request they sign EDM 2638
Early Day Motions are very good ways of raising issues in parliament, which may not get debated in normal sittings of parliament.
You can contact your MP for free, through: WriteToThem.Com

Monday, January 23

'Foreign news stories published prominently in newspapers in the United Kingdom fell by 80 percent from 1979 to 2009.

Whose News?: The Changing Media Landscape and NGOs

By Carroll Bogert for Human Right Watch - World Report 2012

These are tough times for foreign correspondents. A combination of rapid technological change and economic recession has caused deep cuts in the budget for foreign reporting at many Western news organizations. Plenty of exforeign correspondents have lost their jobs, and many others fear for their jobs and their futures. Consumers of news, meanwhile, are watching international coverage shrink in the pages of major papers. One recent study estimated that the number of foreign news stories published prominently in newspapers in the United Kingdom fell by 80 percent from 1979 to 2009.1 The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development estimates that 20 out of its 31 member states face declining newspaper readerships;2 since foreign reporting is expensive, it is often the first to be cut.

While changes in the media world may be hard on journalists and unsettling for news consumers, they also have very significant implications for international NGOs such as Human Rights Watch. Foreign correspondents have always been an important channel for international NGOs to get the word out, and a decline in global news coverage constitutes a threat to their effectiveness. At the same time, not all the implications of this change are bad. These are also days of opportunity for those in the business of spreading the word. This essay attempts to examine the perils and possibilities for international NGOs3 in these tectonic shifts in media.

Of course NGOs of all kinds accomplish a great deal without any recourse to the media at all. Human rights activists pursue much of their mission outside the public eye: private meetings with diplomats; closed-door policy discussions with government officials; strategy sessions with other NGOs; and, of course, interviews with victims and eyewitnesses whose identity and safety must be protected from the glare of publicity. NGOs that do research in the field may share a close bond with journalists, but research is only part of their overall mission of effecting social change.

The full article by Carroll Bogert pages 23/33 - Human Rights Watch Word Report 2012

Monday, January 16

Reminder: Birmingham and Coventry January Branch Meeting
Thursday 19th January 2012
Bennett's Bar
8 Bennetts Hill
B2 5RS
Meet 18:00 for 18:30 start

Warning: Anyone arriving by car, there is no free street parking, Birmingham City Council have extended the time you must pay parking fees to 19:30 hrs, arriving 18:00 hrs or after will cost £3.

- Vacancy: Photographers' Seat on the National Executive Committee
- 14,500 Visual Artists Share £4.4 Million
- Our Trade Union History - Wapping exhibition
- EDM 2567: Fatalities And Major Injuries In The Workplace
- EDM 2572: UK Citizens' Access To Justice
- NUJ professional and trade union training programme for 2012
- Terrorist suspect BBC interview can be shown, rules High Court


Vacancy: Photographers' Seat on the National Executive Committee
The first ever Photographers' Seat on the National Executive Committee (NEC) is up for election. Branch Photographers will get the chance to decide who to nominate for the position . This is very important as the NEC puts into action the decisions made by the NUJ delegate meeting, coordinates the day-to-day work of the union and the campaigns we are involved in.

If you would like to stand for the Photographers' Seat the submission date for all nominations must be in at Headland House by close of business Friday 10 February 2012. Please inform the branch Secretary if you want to stand for nomination by the 31st Jan, with a short statement, so it can be publicised. The NEC Photographers' Seat position is for a period of two years. There is one seat available, but the position can be shared. The position is unpaid, but expenses are covered.

Nominees must be up-to-date with their union contributions when nominated and throughout the election period and must be registered as a photographer, photojournalist or video journalist. Nomination forms must be signed by an elected officer of the branch and nominees must sign the consent section of the nomination form or inform head office independently that they are willing to accept nomination.

Nominees must also submit their statement for the election pamphlet by Friday 10 February 2012


14,500 Visual Artists Share £4.4 Million
Payback is an annual service provided by Design and Artists Copyright (DACS), which distributes royalties to visual artists whose work has been reproduced in UK books and magazines, and on certain UK television channels. Last month a record 14,500 visual artists enjoyed a share of £4.4 million in Payback royalties through Design and Artists Copyright (DACS).

These royalties come from revenue generated through UK collective licensing schemes including the photocopying of books and magazines by local government departments, universities and other businesses. Collective licensing is used in situations where it would be difficult or near impossible for visual artists to licence their rights on an individual basis, for example, when a business wishes to photocopy a page of a book which features their work.
Read the full press release here . . . .


EDM 2567: Fatalities And Major Injuries In The Workplace
That this House is alarmed that the number of people killed in the workplace in the last financial year increased to 171, 24 more than in the previous 12 months; is concerned at figures published by the Health and Safety Executive that nationally more than 24,700 workers suffered a major injury between April 2010 and March 2011; and while acknowledging that Britain has one of the lowest rates of workplace deaths in Europe, urges the Government not to reduce health and safety regulations.
Primary sponsor: Bob Russell, Date tabled: 10/01/2012

EDM 2572: UK Citizens' Access To Justice
That this House is aware of recent independent research undertaken which has revealed that around 600,000 people each year in the UK need to use no win, no fee legal representation agreements to gain access to justice, a figure which includes at least 150,000 people who because of their financial position have to use this mechanism to claim their actual rights in law; notes that Part 2 of the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill proposes to remove such access; is therefore doubly alarmed to learn that the proposals will also have the effect of causing approximately 450,000 people each year to lose up to 25 per cent. of any compensation they may receive, additional costs of 93 million to the NHS, further estimated taxpayer losses for employer liabilities of 70 million, which along with other causes will likely lead to an overall loss in excess of 350 million per annum to the public purse; and believes such outcomes are totally unacceptable and unrepresentative as a form of good or acceptable governance.
Primary sponsor: Alan Meale, Date tabled: 10/01/2012

Put your MP to work request they sign EDM 2567 - 2572
Early Day Motions are very good ways of raising issues in parliament, which may not get debated in normal sittings of parliament.
You can contact your MP for free, through: WriteToThem.Com


Our Trade Union History - Wapping exhibition/Durham Miners' Gala

Wapping exhibition: As Murdoch's newspapers find themselves under the scrutiny of the Leveson inquiry, an exhibition marking the 25 years since the sacking of 5,500 newspaper print workers during the bitter 1986 dispute between Rupert Murdoch and the print unions, is moving back to London.

The Wapping dispute occurred at a time of unrelenting attacks on jobs, union rights and communities in the 1980s starting with Eddie Shah's Stockport Messenger, the year-long miners' strike and culminating with the News International dispute that began after News International - owners of The Times, Sunday Times, The Sun and the now closed News of the World - sacked thousands of its staff when it moved production overnight to Wapping in East London.

The exhibition highlighting the 13-month struggle that the employees staged to save their jobs and protect trade union rights.

The institute is at 230 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 4QH, just over the road from Liverpool St station. The exhibition is open Monday to Friday 10am - 2pm and on Saturdays from 10am to 5.30pm until Sunday 29 February 2012.

Dramatic images, photographs and accounts of the dispute - when Rupert Murdoch used his vast wealth, aided by the Conservatives' anti-union legislation, to facilitate the dash to Wapping - will be on display.

The multi-media exhibition has been organised by Unite, the National Union of Journalists, Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom and the Marx Memorial Library.

Posted by "Tim Gopsill" <>

EDM 2594: Durham Miners' Gala (No. 2)
That this House welcomes the publication of The Big Meeting: a history of the Durham Miners' Gala which has been written by the former miner David Temple; recognises the huge amount of research and commitment that has gone into its production; acknowledges the huge role that the Gala has played in the political and cultural history of the North East and the labour movement; praises all of those involved in retaining a tradition that goes back 140 years, in particular those community groups who have recreated a swathe of miners' union banners over recent years; and wishes the tens of thousands of people well who organise and will attend The Big Meeting for many years to come.
Primary sponsor: David Anderson, date tabled: 11/01/2012


NUJ professional and trade union training programme for 2012
NUJ training offers both new and established journalists advice and information on training and the NUJ's courses, designed to help meet the demands of journalism in the digital age.

With redundancies in the industry widespread, the need for journalists to keep their skills up-to-date has never been greater. With a suite of courses covering multimedia skills - including writing for the web, podcasting, website building and video blogging - on top of traditional skills like newswriting, NUJ Professional training can help.

To see the course outlines go to the courses section and look under either professional training course outlines or trade union training course outlines go here . . . .


Terrorist suspect BBC interview can be shown, rules High Court
The High Court ruled that the Justice Secretary's refusal to grant the BBC permission to have and to broadcast a face-to-face interview with terrorism suspect Babar Ahmad was unlawful. The BBC and one of its home affairs correspondents, Dominic Casciani, had applied for permission to conduct the interview with Mr Ahmad, who is currently detained at HMP Long Lartin, and is fighting extradition to the USA. The BBC also wished to broadcast the interview. The Justice Secretary refused the permission, which refusal the BBC challenged in a judicial review claim.
Karwan Eskerie, UK Human Rights Blog, 16/01/12

Read more of this post


Update on Ken Graves

Please find below an update from Bro Chris Youett regarding the funeral arrangements for Bro Ken Graves.

The funeral of Bro Ken Graves, former Morning Star Midlands Correspondent, is to take place at Canley Crematorium, Cannon Hill Road, Coventry, CV4 7EH at 1:30 on Wednesday 25th January, 2012.
Bro Graves (89) passed away on 9th January at Walsgrave Hospital after a short illness.  His wake will start at 2:30 pm at The Farmhouse Restaurant, 215 Beechwood Avenue, Coventry, CV5 6HB.
If you are coming, could you please let me know by Friday, 20th January so that catering figures can be finalised.

Yours fraternally,
Bro Chris Youett

Thursday, January 12

Ken Graves

Below is an email I have recieved from Bro Chris Youett regarding the recent death of Ken Graves. It speaks for itself, although I am sure there is far more that could, and no doubt will, be said.

Dear All,
I regret to inform you that life-long NUJ member Bro Ken Graves passed away over the weekend at Walsgrave Hospital after a short illness.  He was 89.  Bro Graves will be remembered for his many years of service as Midlands Correspondent of the Morning Star.  He used his contacts to regularly out-scoop the rest of the Press pack.
Bro Graves wasn't afraid, either, to remind the Labour Front Bench who had sent them to Parliament & what we expected them to do on our behalf.
As soon as I have details of his funeral, etc, I will let you know.

Yours fraternally,
Bro Chris Youett.

Wednesday, January 11

EDM 2567: Fatalities And Major Injuries In The Workplace
That this House is alarmed that the number of people killed in the workplace in the last financial year increased to 171, 24 more than in the previous 12 months; is concerned at figures published by the Health and Safety Executive that nationally more than 24,700 workers suffered a major injury between April 2010 and March 2011; and while acknowledging that Britain has one of the lowest rates of workplace deaths in Europe, urges the Government not to reduce health and safety regulations.
Primary sponsor: Bob Russell, date tabled: 10/01/2012

EDM 2572: UK Citizens' Access To Justice
That this House is aware of recent independent research undertaken which has revealed that around 600,000 people each year in the UK need to use no win, no fee legal representation agreements to gain access to justice, a figure which includes at least 150,000 people who because of their financial position have to use this mechanism to claim their actual rights in law; notes that Part 2 of the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill proposes to remove such access; is therefore doubly alarmed to learn that the proposals will also have the effect of causing approximately 450,000 people each year to lose up to 25 per cent. of any compensation they may receive, additional costs of 93 million to the NHS, further estimated taxpayer losses for employer liabilities of 70 million, which along with other causes will likely lead to an overall loss in excess of 350 million per annum to the public purse; and believes such outcomes are totally unacceptable and unrepresentative as a form of good or acceptable governance.
Primary sponsor: Alan Meale, Date tabled: 10/01/2012

Put your MP to work request they sign EDM 2567 - 2572
Early Day Motions are very good ways of raising issues in parliament, which may not get debated in normal sittings of parliament.
You can contact your MP for free, through: WriteToThem.Com

Monday, January 9

Media ownership and regulation

A conference on media ownership and regulation is to be held at Congress House on Saturday 17th March. The conference arises out of a resolution carried at last years Congress and will examine the issues that follow from Rupert Murdoch's unsuccessful attempt to take complete control of the BSkyB last year and the continuing work of the Leveson Inquiry. 
Confirmed speakers include Michelle Stanistreet, NUJ General Secretary, Tony Burke of Unite, and representatives of the Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom. Frances O'Grady will speak on behalf of the TUC.

Friday, January 6

Birmingham and Coventry January Branch Meeting

Thursday 19th January 2012
Bennett's Bar
8 Bennetts Hill
B2 5RS
Meet 18:00 for 18:30 start

Light refreshments will be served

1) Introduction by chair/those attending
2) Minutes of December meeting
3) Secretary/Treasurers reports
4) Branch reports
5) Up date on BBC dispute any other disputes/ redundancies in the area
6) Crisis in Midlands Journalism: Feedback from December public meeting
7) Discussion on the way forward: *Lee Kenny will lead off
8) Any other business

* Here are some proposals by Lee Kenny

To produce five three-minute vignettes highlighting the issues facing Midland journalists.

These could consist of:

Print: Details of Midland communities without papers (those listed at December public meeting). Focus on one title (possibly the Chase Post). Interviews with former staff, community groups which regularly appeared in the paper (Neighbourhood groups, sports teams, clubs/societies) and their thoughts now the papers no longer report on their communities.

Radio: Details of closures/newsroom mergers. Interviews with news journalists affected by closures.

TV: Details of closures/newsroom mergers. Interviews with news journalists affected by closures.

Local Democracy: Highlight the court, council, NHS Trust meetings which take place without a reporter present. Short/intercut interviews with MPs/councillors/magistrates discussing the importance of local media.

The Wider Community: Vox pops with people on the streets of the major Midland Towns. Ascertain how they find out about their areas and the importance they place on local journalism.

The idea is that these could be screened separately (on YouTube) of as one 15 minute-long piece (at events/meetings).

Obviously we could develop these with the branch/other reporters to see what they think.

The videos and Facebook interest could build up to a bigger event in the Spring (Midland Journalism Week or something of that elk) which would hopefully have the support of Midland press/radio/TV/MPs/schools to better highlight the issue.

Agree/disagree or have other ideas, let the branch know before the 19th!