Wednesday, September 5

Birmingham and Coventry NUJ - September Branch Meeting

Tuesday 18th September 2012
6:00 pm for 6:30 pm start
Comfort Zone Serviced Apartments
Reception; Apt 5 Parkside
5 Ridley Street
B1 1SA

Please note this is a new venue

Any apologies to branch chair:

1) Introduction by chair/those attending

2) Minutes of July meeting

3) Secretary/Treasurers reports

4) Branch reports

5) Up date on disputes

6) Any other business


Unions Glad To See The Back Of "Disastrous" Lansley
Unite's head of health, Rachael Maskell said: "Jeremy Hunt as the new Health Secretary has a real opportunity to ride the public mood and ensure the NHS remains a universal service, free at the point of delivery to all those in need.
Read more:  Tim Lezard - <>  Union News, 5th September 2012

Week of Strikes Begins Over Remploy Factories Sale
"We may not win this fight," says one leading union activist. "But we will leave these factories with our pride and dignity intact."
Read more: <> Union 03/09/12

Three million people trapped in jobs that don't pay enough - TUC
A million more workers are under-employed now than on the eve of the recession in early 2008, according to a TUC analysis of official figures published today. The number of under-employed workers - those doing part-time jobs because they can't find full-time ones or wanting more hours in their current jobs - has increased by 42 per cent over the last four years to reach 3.3 million.
Read more;  Tim Lezard - <> Union News, 4th September 2012

London Met unions slam 'act of aggression by UKBA' against students
Unions at London Metropolitan University say they will oppose any student being forced off the campus as a result of the decision by the UK Border Agency to revoke its license to grant visas to international students.
Read More: by Pete Murray - <> Union News, 3rd September 2012

'Too Young for a Pension, too Old to Work'
TUC analysis of official employment statistics concludes Coalition is wrong to raise the state pension age without first addressing health inequalities which force people out of work well before they can draw state pension.
Read more: <> Union 03/09/12

EDM 441: Contractors And The Living Wage
That this House supports the living wage as a means of ensuring that people are able to have a minimum decent standard of living; notes that many local authorities and other public agencies have implemented the living wage; further notes with concern that many private sector companies working on public sector contracts, such as MITIE, do not pay the living wage; believes that this creates a divide between those directly employed in the public sector and those working on public sector contracts for a private company, including those who are employed to do exactly the same job as public sector employees; acknowledges and supports the principles behind the proposed Living Wage (Scotland) Bill currently being consulted on by the Scottish Parliament; and calls on the Government to introduce a similar bill to ensure that all companies such a MITIE, who are awarded public sector contracts, pay their employees the living wage.

Sponsors: Clark, Katy  /  Corbyn, Jeremy  /  Durkan, Mark
<>Date tabled: 03/09/2012


EDM 469: Peterloo Massacre Memorial
That this House notes that on 16 August 1819 a peaceful rally at St Peter's Fields, Manchester, of 60,000 pro-democracy campaigners men, women and children was attacked by armed cavalry resulting in 15 deaths and over 600 injuries; believes that it is now time for a permanent memorial to the Peterloo Massacre to remember those killed and injured and the impact it had on the fight for democracy; further notes that, in a 2006 survey by The Guardian, Peterloo was voted the second most radical event from British history without a proper monument; welcomes Manchester City Council's U-turn over plans to mark Peterloo with a set of commemorative gates; urges the council to install a prominent, explanatory and respectful monument and to work with campaigners and residents to find a fitting tribute; further believes that it is vitally important that there is democratic involvement in how to mark this significant event, and condemns the Council's proposal that a panel of just three councillors from the administration should make the final decision; further urges the Council to consider holding a memorial design competition and to ensure the public are involved throughout the process; and calls for a detailed design brief to be worked up to ensure that the memorial is sited in a prominent location that it is informative of what happened and that it is respectful of those people who gave their lives.

Sponsors: Leech, John /  Brooke, Annette  /  Hemming, John  /  Reid, Alan  /  Sanders, Adrian /  Ward, David

<>Date tabled: 03/09/2012

Put your MP to work demand they sign EDM 441 and EDM 469

Early Day Motions are very good ways of raising issues in parliament, which may not get debated in normal sittings of parliament.
You can contact your MP for free, through: WriteToThem.Com