Thursday, March 28
Birmingham and Coventry April Branch Meeting
Tuesday 9th April
Belgrade Theatre
Corporation Street
Assemble 6:30 onwards
Any apologies to branch chair:
1) Introduction by chair/those attending
2) Minutes of March meeting (Attached)
3) Secretary/Treasurers reports
4) Branch reports
5) Up date on disputes: Trinity Mirror and BBC
6) Any other business
EDM 1256: Misrepresentation Of Transgender People In The Media
That this House condemns misrepresentation of transgender people in the British media; notes that some media organisations continue to misrepresent transgender people deliberately and publish their private information in spite of the findings of the Leveson report and in breach of the editors code; believes that such misrepresentation has an extremely damaging impact on those individuals who are named, on the wider transgender community and on the public's perception of transgender people; condemns the harassment of transgender people, their families and colleagues, of which the experiences of Lucy Meadows are the latest; calls for the Press Complaints Commission to issue a public notice to editors immediately reminding them of their existing obligations under the letter and the spirit of the editors code when reporting transgender stories; further notes with concern that the reporting of Lucy Meadows reflects the wider culture of inappropriate language when it comes to stories relating to transgender people; and further calls for an immediate end to misrepresentation of transgender people in the press.
Sponsors: Huppert, Julian / Bottomley, Peter / Lucas, Caroline
<> House of Commons: 26/03/2013
Sunday, March 24
Solidarity With Striking BBC Workers
12:00 Noon to 2:00pm - Thursday 28th march 2013
The Mailbox
Birmingham City Centre
B1 1AY
You are invited to join NUJ/BECTU members as they walk out of the BBC Mailbox at 12:00 noon this Thursday.
This joint BECTU / NUJ strike is over compulsory redundancies, excessive workloads, bullying and harassment within the corporation. A consequence of the corporation’s Delivering Quality First (DQF), a cost-cutting programme which will result in the loss of 2,000 job across the corporation.
Gerry Morrissey general secretary Broadcasting, Entertainment, Cinematograph and Theatre Union (BECTU) said: “BBC staff have rejected management’s attempts to create a modern-day BBC sweatshop. Current demands on staff are unacceptable and with more job cuts planned it is essential that the BBC takes stock of the impact of DQF on its workforce.”
Michelle Stanistreet general secretary National Union of Journalists (NUJ) said: “It is disappointing that once again the BBC has decided not to properly engage, refusing our call for a moratorium to give space for meaningful discussions on the worrying impact of the cuts. BBC executives know they’ve got a major problem on their hands – the recent investigation into bullying and harassment has lifted the lid on a problem that has been allowed to grow to shocking levels, under the noses of senior executives supposed to be responsible for upholding ‘BBC values’.
NUJ prepares for Maundy Thursday walk-out
BBC dispute: Open Letter From Gerry Morrissey
12:00 Noon to 2:00pm - Thursday 28th march 2013
The Mailbox
Birmingham City Centre
B1 1AY
You are invited to join NUJ/BECTU members as they walk out of the BBC Mailbox at 12:00 noon this Thursday.
This joint BECTU / NUJ strike is over compulsory redundancies, excessive workloads, bullying and harassment within the corporation. A consequence of the corporation’s Delivering Quality First (DQF), a cost-cutting programme which will result in the loss of 2,000 job across the corporation.
Gerry Morrissey general secretary Broadcasting, Entertainment, Cinematograph and Theatre Union (BECTU) said: “BBC staff have rejected management’s attempts to create a modern-day BBC sweatshop. Current demands on staff are unacceptable and with more job cuts planned it is essential that the BBC takes stock of the impact of DQF on its workforce.”
Michelle Stanistreet general secretary National Union of Journalists (NUJ) said: “It is disappointing that once again the BBC has decided not to properly engage, refusing our call for a moratorium to give space for meaningful discussions on the worrying impact of the cuts. BBC executives know they’ve got a major problem on their hands – the recent investigation into bullying and harassment has lifted the lid on a problem that has been allowed to grow to shocking levels, under the noses of senior executives supposed to be responsible for upholding ‘BBC values’.
NUJ prepares for Maundy Thursday walk-out
BBC dispute: Open Letter From Gerry Morrissey
Monday, March 18
Feel Free to Insult, Cameron, Clegg, the Queen, Pope Francis et al
Conviction of political activist for insulting the French President infringed his freedom of expression In Chamber judgment in the case of Eon v. France (application no. 26118/10), which is not final, the European Court of Human Rights held, by a majority, that there had been: a violation of Article 10 (freedom of expression) of the European Convention on Human Rights.
The case concerned the applicant's conviction for insulting the President of France. During a visit by the President to the département of Mayenne, the applicant had waved a placard reading "Casse toi pov'con" ("Get lost, you sad prick"), a phrase uttered by the President himself several months previously.
The Court held that criminal penalties for conduct such as that displayed by the applicant were likely to have a chilling effect on satirical contributions to discussion of matters of public interest, such discussion being fundamental to a democratic society.
Conviction of political activist for insulting the French President infringed his freedom of expression In Chamber judgment in the case of Eon v. France (application no. 26118/10), which is not final, the European Court of Human Rights held, by a majority, that there had been: a violation of Article 10 (freedom of expression) of the European Convention on Human Rights.
The case concerned the applicant's conviction for insulting the President of France. During a visit by the President to the département of Mayenne, the applicant had waved a placard reading "Casse toi pov'con" ("Get lost, you sad prick"), a phrase uttered by the President himself several months previously.
The Court held that criminal penalties for conduct such as that displayed by the applicant were likely to have a chilling effect on satirical contributions to discussion of matters of public interest, such discussion being fundamental to a democratic society.
Wednesday, March 13
Motions Passed at Birmingham & Coventry Branch Meeting 12/03/13
Regional forums:
This branch/chapel welcomes the NEC's backing for NUJ regional forums and asks the NEC to prepare a timetable of meetings to launch regional forums throughout the UK and Ireland before the end of 2013.
NUJ Recruitment:
This branch/chapel urges the NEC to introduce online joining immediately as the lack of this facility is discouraging people from joining the Union.
Kevin Smith
That this branch agrees to send a message of support to the PCS campaign to defend Kevin Smith, who has been victimised by the Home Office due to his trade union activity. It further agrees to circulate information about the matter around the Trades Council/Branch and to encourage members to sign the petition here . . . .
Regional forums:
This branch/chapel welcomes the NEC's backing for NUJ regional forums and asks the NEC to prepare a timetable of meetings to launch regional forums throughout the UK and Ireland before the end of 2013.
NUJ Recruitment:
This branch/chapel urges the NEC to introduce online joining immediately as the lack of this facility is discouraging people from joining the Union.
Kevin Smith
That this branch agrees to send a message of support to the PCS campaign to defend Kevin Smith, who has been victimised by the Home Office due to his trade union activity. It further agrees to circulate information about the matter around the Trades Council/Branch and to encourage members to sign the petition here . . . .
Tuesday, March 5
Reminder March Branch Meeting
Tuesday 12th March
Carrs Lane Church Centre
Carrs Lane
Birmingham, B4 7SX
6:00 pm for 6:30 start
Topics in this posting:
BBC Unions NUJ/Bectu/Unite to Ballot for Strike Action
NUJ Black Members Conference 2013
A Day Without News? Campaign
NUJ Freelance Summit
Historic Change for NUJ Photographers
BBC Unions NUJ/Bectu/Unite to Ballot for Strike Action
The NUJ is re-balloting for action, this time with Bectu and Unite, following its successful strike on Monday 18th February, which pulled a range of flagship programmes off the air.
The ballot over compulsory redundancies, workload, stress and bullying and harassment – all a result of the corporation's cost-cutting programme, Delivering Quality First (DQF). closes at midday 20 March and could lead to disruption of the Easter TV and radio schedule.
Read <>more . . . .
NUJ Black Members Conference 2013
6th April 2013, 11:00 am to 2:00 pm
Headland House, 308-312 Gray's Inn Road, London WC1
Bullying and harassment in the media causes untold damage to victims and their colleagues. Add race discrimination, often combined with sexism and discrimination against disabled journalists, and you have a potent mix whereby lives are destroyed and careers lost. Bullying and harassment in the media causes untold damage to victims
and their colleagues. The media also has the power to demonise Black communities with sensationalist headlines or inaccurate reporting.
Conference will also be your opportunity to put forward motions on this topic and any others you think the NUJ Black Members Council should be considering,
If you wish to register for the conference, please email by 2nd April.
Historic Change for NUJ Photographers
For the first time in its history, the NUJ will soon have a nationally elected Photographers’ Council solely to look after the interests of lens-based journalists. Like all the NUJ’s councils and committees, it will be made up of working journalists who give up their time to help shape the NUJ to best serve its members. NUJ members who serve on committees come from all age groups, and backgrounds, but with one common purpose: to make the union work better.
Anyone can stand – but all too often, members only find out about these opportunities when it too late to put their name forward. If you are interested in using your skills and experience to help shape the future of other photographers within the NUJ, then this is an ideal chance – whether or not you are currently active within your branch. The new council will have four meetings a year, some of which are likely to be through video-conferencing, and the others most likely in the NUJ building at Kings Cross in London.
If you’d like an honest and straightforward chat about standing for elected positions in the NUJ, and what to do next, then get in touch by emailing: <> But do it soon, as nominations are already open.
NUJ Freelance Summit
As a new wave of rights-grabbing contracts sweeps the industry, Haymarket has insisted that casuals are paid through PAYE at the same time as cutting day rates. To discuss how to tackle these issues, the NUJ is organising a Freelance Summit on Saturday, March 16 between 10am and 1:00pm.
Speakers will include: NUJ General Secretary Michelle Stanistreet; Assistant Organiser Pamela Morton; NEC Member for Freelance Tim Dawson; and NUJ Copyright Committee Chair Mike Holderness..
The venue will be NUJ HQ at 308 Gray's Inn Road, WC1X 8DP and lunch will be provided. Places will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Anyone wishing to attend should contact the Freelance Office
A Day Without News? Campaign - What We Want To Achieve
The purpose of the campaign, which already has wide support across the international news media community, is:
to draw sharper attention to the growing numbers of journalists who have been killed and injured in armed conflict, in some cases as a result of direct targeting by the belligerents;
to develop a public diplomacy, institutional and legal agenda to combat this more effectively; and
to investigate and collect evidence in support of prosecutable cases in this area.
The ultimate goal is for A Day Without News? to generate grassroots support within the community that will further the work of the Committee to Protect Journalists , Reporters Without Borders, Human Rights Watch, and other invaluable organizations who are dedicated to this issue. A Day Without News? is working closely with these organizations to ensure that this campaign serves their missions - hopefully by building public support through publicity; increasing pressure for change through diplomacy; and facilitating the identification, investigation and prosecution of war crimes committed against journalists.
Early Day Motion 1110: A Day Without News? Campaign
That this House welcomes the launch of the A Day Without News? campaign which is supported by Human Rights Watch, Reporters Without Borders, the Committee to Protect Journalists and the Rory Peck Trust; notes that it aims to draw sharper attention to the growing number of journalists who are being killed and injured while reporting on armed conflict in some cases as a result of direct targeting by the belligerents; further notes that A Day Without News? representatives will meet with governments who have shown interest and support for the campaign while pushing for political and diplomatic efforts on behalf of journalists working in conflict areas and partnering with educational institutions and those non-governmental organisations dedicated to the issue to identify, investigate and ultimately prosecute perpetrators where media personnel have been targeted and killed; and wishes the campaign well.
Sponsors: Hoey, Kate / Corbyn, Jeremy / Cryer, John / Durkan, Mark / Field, Frank / Mitchell, Austin
<>House of Commons: 26/02/2013
Tuesday 12th March
Carrs Lane Church Centre
Carrs Lane
Birmingham, B4 7SX
6:00 pm for 6:30 start
Topics in this posting:
BBC Unions NUJ/Bectu/Unite to Ballot for Strike Action
NUJ Black Members Conference 2013
A Day Without News? Campaign
NUJ Freelance Summit
Historic Change for NUJ Photographers
BBC Unions NUJ/Bectu/Unite to Ballot for Strike Action
The NUJ is re-balloting for action, this time with Bectu and Unite, following its successful strike on Monday 18th February, which pulled a range of flagship programmes off the air.
The ballot over compulsory redundancies, workload, stress and bullying and harassment – all a result of the corporation's cost-cutting programme, Delivering Quality First (DQF). closes at midday 20 March and could lead to disruption of the Easter TV and radio schedule.
Read <>more . . . .
NUJ Black Members Conference 2013
6th April 2013, 11:00 am to 2:00 pm
Headland House, 308-312 Gray's Inn Road, London WC1
Bullying and harassment in the media causes untold damage to victims and their colleagues. Add race discrimination, often combined with sexism and discrimination against disabled journalists, and you have a potent mix whereby lives are destroyed and careers lost. Bullying and harassment in the media causes untold damage to victims
and their colleagues. The media also has the power to demonise Black communities with sensationalist headlines or inaccurate reporting.
Conference will also be your opportunity to put forward motions on this topic and any others you think the NUJ Black Members Council should be considering,
If you wish to register for the conference, please email by 2nd April.
Historic Change for NUJ Photographers
For the first time in its history, the NUJ will soon have a nationally elected Photographers’ Council solely to look after the interests of lens-based journalists. Like all the NUJ’s councils and committees, it will be made up of working journalists who give up their time to help shape the NUJ to best serve its members. NUJ members who serve on committees come from all age groups, and backgrounds, but with one common purpose: to make the union work better.
Anyone can stand – but all too often, members only find out about these opportunities when it too late to put their name forward. If you are interested in using your skills and experience to help shape the future of other photographers within the NUJ, then this is an ideal chance – whether or not you are currently active within your branch. The new council will have four meetings a year, some of which are likely to be through video-conferencing, and the others most likely in the NUJ building at Kings Cross in London.
If you’d like an honest and straightforward chat about standing for elected positions in the NUJ, and what to do next, then get in touch by emailing: <> But do it soon, as nominations are already open.
NUJ Freelance Summit
As a new wave of rights-grabbing contracts sweeps the industry, Haymarket has insisted that casuals are paid through PAYE at the same time as cutting day rates. To discuss how to tackle these issues, the NUJ is organising a Freelance Summit on Saturday, March 16 between 10am and 1:00pm.
Speakers will include: NUJ General Secretary Michelle Stanistreet; Assistant Organiser Pamela Morton; NEC Member for Freelance Tim Dawson; and NUJ Copyright Committee Chair Mike Holderness..
The venue will be NUJ HQ at 308 Gray's Inn Road, WC1X 8DP and lunch will be provided. Places will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Anyone wishing to attend should contact the Freelance Office
A Day Without News? Campaign - What We Want To Achieve
The purpose of the campaign, which already has wide support across the international news media community, is:
to draw sharper attention to the growing numbers of journalists who have been killed and injured in armed conflict, in some cases as a result of direct targeting by the belligerents;
to develop a public diplomacy, institutional and legal agenda to combat this more effectively; and
to investigate and collect evidence in support of prosecutable cases in this area.
The ultimate goal is for A Day Without News? to generate grassroots support within the community that will further the work of the Committee to Protect Journalists , Reporters Without Borders, Human Rights Watch, and other invaluable organizations who are dedicated to this issue. A Day Without News? is working closely with these organizations to ensure that this campaign serves their missions - hopefully by building public support through publicity; increasing pressure for change through diplomacy; and facilitating the identification, investigation and prosecution of war crimes committed against journalists.
Early Day Motion 1110: A Day Without News? Campaign
That this House welcomes the launch of the A Day Without News? campaign which is supported by Human Rights Watch, Reporters Without Borders, the Committee to Protect Journalists and the Rory Peck Trust; notes that it aims to draw sharper attention to the growing number of journalists who are being killed and injured while reporting on armed conflict in some cases as a result of direct targeting by the belligerents; further notes that A Day Without News? representatives will meet with governments who have shown interest and support for the campaign while pushing for political and diplomatic efforts on behalf of journalists working in conflict areas and partnering with educational institutions and those non-governmental organisations dedicated to the issue to identify, investigate and ultimately prosecute perpetrators where media personnel have been targeted and killed; and wishes the campaign well.
Sponsors: Hoey, Kate / Corbyn, Jeremy / Cryer, John / Durkan, Mark / Field, Frank / Mitchell, Austin
<>House of Commons: 26/02/2013
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