Tuesday, March 25

Calling notice: Coventry & Birmingham Branch Meeting April 2014

Tuesday 8 th April 2014
Kahawa Cafe
163 New Union Street
6:00 pm for 6:30 start

Any apologies to branch chair:  tony@tonyadamsproductions.com


1) Introduction by chair/those attending

2) Minutes of March meeting

3) Secretary/Treasurers reports

4) Branch reports

5) Up date on disputes

6) Any other business

Item in this message:

Stand Up For Education  -  Rally to Defend Teachers

Fair Pay Fortnight - West Midlands Wage Summit

Benefits Street or Scapegoat Street

What all journalists need to know about the Defamation Act 2013


Stand Up For Education  -  Rally to Defend Teachers

Birmingham   -  Wednesday  26th march 2014
11:30 am to 12:4 5 pm
Victoria Square
B1 1BD

The NUT needs your support to defend education and protect teachers. There is a national strike planned for This Wednesday March 26. there will be Picket Lines across Birmingham schools followed by a rally in Victoria Square @ 11:30am

Striking Against:

    Excessive workload and bureaucracy
    Performance related pay
    Unfair pension changes

Pay: Destroying the national pay framework means tat in every school head teachers and governors have to worry about developing a pay system instead of focusing onf teaching and learning.

Workload: Government policies mean that far too much time is spent on bureaucratic box-ticking that stops teachers focusing on teaching.

Pensions: The NUT recognises that other workers are having their pensions squeezed. We believe that this is wrong too - everyone should be entitled to  a decent standard of living in retirement.


EDM 1207: Wage Levels And The TUC's Fair Pay Fortnight Campaign
That this House notes that living standards have been under pressure since the recession of 2008-09 and despite the recent recovery in growth are not yet picking up, and that real wages for the average full-time worker have fallen by £2,800 since 2009; further notes that the reason for the squeeze, the longest since the 1870s, is weak wage growth; further notes that even on the more optimistic forecasts, real wages for those in the middle and below will not return to their 2008 levels until around 2020, and that whilst more people are now in work and unemployment is falling, too many of the new jobs are low paid, insecure and precarious; believes that a real, sustainable recovery which benefits ordinary people will require real wages to rise, and that this would not only relieve some of the strains on living standards but provide a solid underpinning for rising household spending and economic growth; and therefore strongly agrees with the TUC that Britain needs a pay rise, and supports the TUC's Fair Pay Fortnight campaign beginning on 24 March 2014.

Sponsors: Lavery, Ian/ Morris, Grahame M / Mearns, Ian / Sheridan, Jim / Cryer, John / Clark, Katy   -   House of Commons: <>  20.03.2014

Fair Pay Fortnight - West Midlands Wage Summit

Friday 4th April 2014 - 18:30 to 20:30
Birmingham City Council Chamber
Town Hall
Victoria Square
Birmingham, B3 3DQ
Costs:  Free

About this event:  Working people in the UK are seeing their living standards squeezed harder and harder every year. The cost of energy, food and housing is soaring but pay isn't keeping up. On average, workers in the West Midlands have lost more than £2,500 since 2009 and many people are trapped in low-paid and insecure jobs.

Chair Rob Johnston Midlands TUC Regional Secretary

Joe Morgan GMB Regional Secretary

Cllr Stewart Stacey Birmingham City Council

David Gardner KPMG, Director of Public Policy

Jack Dromey Erdington MP & Shadow Police Minister

Mark New  UNISON West Midlands Regional Organiser

Further speakers to be confirmed

A media campaign action will also be held at 12 noon outside Birmingham Town hall on 4 April

Inquiries/Further Information:
Michelle Kesterton <mkesterton@tuc.org.uk>


Benefits Street or Scapegoat Street

Public Meeting

2:30pm Saturday 5th April

The Priory Rooms, Bull Street (off Corporation Street), Birmingham, B4 6AF

Chris Baugh, Assistant General Secretary, PCS
Robert Punton, Disabled Peoples Against the Cuts
Sandra Kane, Birmingham Benefit Justice Campaign

Organised by the Public and Commercial Services Union PCS
<>  www.pcs.org.uk


What all Journalists Need to Know About the Defamation Act 2013

This event is for NUJ members only

The Defamation Act 2013 is now in force and has introduced major changes which affect how journalists work.

Tamsin Allen and Athalie Matthews of Bindmans LLP will guide members through the changes. They will discuss:

    what constitutes defamation;
    what constitutes publication to third parties;
    the various forms that defamation can take;
    and the new defences introduced by the Act.

There will be time for questions and answers.

We expect places at the seminar will be in high demand, they will be allocated on a strictly first-come-first-served basis.

Wednesday 16 April 2014 / Headland House, 308-312 Gray's Inn Rd, London

Further details / contact information

Email: freelanceoffice@nuj.org.uk

Friday, March 7

Birmingham & Coventry NUJ Branch Meeting March 2014

Tuesday 11th March 2014
Carrs Lane Church Centre
Carrs Lane
B4 7SX
6:00 pm for 6:30 start

Any apologies to branch chair:  tony@tonyadamsproductions.com


1) Introduction by chair/those attending

2) Minutes of February meeting

3) Secretary/Treasurers reports

4) Branch reports

5) Up date on disputes

6) Any other business

Item in this message:
-  State of the Union
-  Migrant Workers in Qatar & the 2022 World Cup
-  Rally and Demo Marking UN Anti-Racism Day


State of the Union               
All figures are as at the last day of September each year
In the last five  financial years membership has declined by 5,680                               
    Membership        Year on year decline    Paying membership
2013    29,506        1513        25,189
2012    31,019        2053        25,987
2011    33,072        763          26,458
2010    33,835        1351        27,130
2009    35,186                        28,337

2013    Surplus  for year       £1,752,260
2012    Deficit for year      - £3,959,872
2011    Surplus  for year      £682,897
2010    Deficit for year      - £313,082
2009    Deficit for year     - £2,855,922

2013    Amount of general fund at end of year   - £2,071,601
2012    Amount of general fund at end of year   - £3,823,960
2011    Amount of general fund at end of year     £135,912
2010    Amount of general fund at end of year     £546,985
2009    Amount of general fund at end of year   - £223,903

NUJ: Annual return for the years ended 30th September 2009/2013 as filed with the 'Certification Officer', available <>  here . . . .


EDM 1095: Migrant Workers in Qatar & the 2022 World Cup
That this House notes that since Qatar won the bid to host the 2022 World Cup the country has experienced a construction boom; further notes that in the last two years hundreds of Indian and Nepalese migrant workers have died working on construction projects in Qatar; moreover is extremely concerned that in the build-up to 2022 hundreds more migrant workers will die due to unsafe working conditions; and calls on the Government, the international community and FIFA to act to urge Qatar in the strongest possible terms to drastically improve working conditions, review the migrant worker sponsorship scheme and properly compensate the families of migrant workers who have been injured or killed.

Sponsors: Mann, John / Betts, Clive / Durkan, Mark / Ritchie, Margaret / Russell, Bob
<http://www.parliament.uk/edm/2013-14/1095>   House of Commons: 24.02.2014


Rally and Demo Marking UN Anti-Racism Day

Assemble 11:00am, Saturday 22nd March 2014

London: Parade from the Mandela Statue in Parliament Square to rally at Trafalgar Square

Organized by TUC & Unite

Transport from Birmingham:

8:15 am, Iron Man, Birmingham Town Hall, Victoria Square

Tickets £5 unwaged, £10 waged, £20 solidarity

To buy/book tickets call 07974 131966

UN Anti-Racism day
A day of action has been called for across Europe on 22 March to coincide with UN Anti-racism Day. With eyes on the European elections in May parties in most countries of the right, centre and even the traditional left are allowing politics and the media to be dominated by racism and xenophobia. Islamophobia and anti-Semitism and the scapegoating of minorities - immigrants, Roma, Black and Asian communities - have become the norm. In Britain the fascist and far right are seeking gains, but there is an even greater immediate threat.

No to Scapegoating Immigrants
That is the increasing tendency of mainstream political parties to tail-end the right-wing, populist UKIP. They are out-vying each other in calls for draconian 'anti-immigration' policies and generally promoting a 'Little Englander' anti-foreign, anti-European mentality, most recently seen with the hostility and racism whipped up towards the projected arrival of Bulgarian and Romanian migrant workers.

No to Islamophobia
In particular, it has become acceptable to promote fear and hatred of Muslim people and Islam as a religion. This racism creates a climate of Islamophobia, leading directly to more attacks on the Muslim population, including murder and violent attacks on mosques.

Remember Mandela - YES to diversity
In remembering Nelson Mandela we too should cherish "the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and equal opportunities." UN Anti-racism Day commemorates the victims of the Sharpeville massacre in 1960, when 69 peaceful demonstrators against apartheid were killed by South African police forces.

Many organisations and communities have come together to call for this parade and rally. Join us in rejecting racism and showing that migrants are welcome. Let's celebrate diversity by expressing our cultures and identities. Let's demonstrate our confidence in a future free of scapegoating, racism and hatred.
