Calling Notice: Birmingham & Coventry NUJ May Branch Meeting
Tuesday 13th May 2014
Carrs Lane Church Centre
Carrs Lane
B4 7SX
6:00 pm for 6:30 start
Any apologies to branch chair:
1) Introduction by chair/those attending
2) Minutes of February meeting
3) Secretary/Treasurers reports
4) Branch reports
5) Up date on disputes
6) Any other business
Chris Morley - Walking the Walk for NUJ Charity
I've always enjoyed a physical challenge and taking on a long distance trek definitely appealed. So having a go at the Big Daddy of them all, the Pennine Way, seemed like a good idea, especially as it takes in the site of the legendary Kinder Mass Trespass protest at Malham Moor. This was the inspiration for breaking the restricted access to the countryside by the land owners and helped us achieve the "right to roam".
Throughout my membership, I have witnessed the great work the NUJ's charities have done for journalists and their dependants who have fallen on hard times. And in the last decade, those hard times have got very tough indeed for some.
But NUJ Extra has had notable successes in protecting the most vulnerable and supporting them in the hour of their greatest need. As a full-time official, I have seen the power of having that tenuous safety net - enough to keep journalists in a job when otherwise they would have had to throw in the towel and rely on benefits.
So if you support the NUJ and believe journalists and their families should be able to call on a helping hand in times of need, could you show your support by supporting me on my trek through May 2014?
If you can, please donate via the NUJ Extra page on the NUJ website. Just go to and you can give with Gift Aid to maximise the amount received.
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