Wednesday, March 14

Calling Notice Birmingham and Coventry March Branch Meeting

Tuesday 27th March 2012
Red Peppers Restaurant & Bar
117 Wharfside Street
The Mailbox
Birmingham B1 1RF
Meet 18:00 for 18:30 start

Light refreshments will be served

Agenda: New Brooms - Willing to Sweep Clean

Following on from branch AGM this meeting will attempt to progress the ideas raised and discussed for the future of the branch; what can we achieve and how to progress our activities and campaigns.

Communication with members, how we keep in touch with the MoCs / FoCs who do not come to the branch. Must be lonely out there...........

Recruitment: AGM elected a small volunteer group to concentrate on bringing new members to the branch; we need to have a plan so we know what we may be able to accomplish!

Do we really need our over formal meetings, should we minimize the rituals and concentrate on what we can do/should/could be doing?

Does meeting in pubs keep members away, would the branch be more user friendly if we met in an alcohol free environment?

Should we have a branch campaign diary to focus our work for the year, given that these things are always fluid?

Your views on above do not require you to attend the branch meeting, any thoughts/comments/what would make branch meetings more attractive for you, Email.

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