Tuesday, April 10

Calling Notice: B'ham & Coventry NUJ April Meeting

Tuesday 17th April
Old Windmill pub
Spon Street
Meet 6:00 pm for 6:30 start
Light refreshments will be served

Main Item on the agenda will be NUJ Delegate Meeting (DM) - Newcastle 5th to 7th October 2012

This branch meeting will be asking for branch members willing to be delegated to attend DM. All expenses for delegates are paid by the union, anyone from branch wanting to go as an observer, expenses will be paid by branch. Attendees from branch would be asked to travel up to Newcastle on Thursday 4th October as there would be insufficient time on Friday to travel and arrive in time for opening.

Branch would encourage student members to attend.

Drafts of any motions to conference need to be presented at this meeting, motions should be concise and kept to one subject per motion.

May meeting will finalize motions and confirm delegates

DM 2012 is a rule-changing conference and motions to change/amend should include their potential financial implications or the NEC will estimate the cost.

Composite A carried at the 2002 NUJ conference urged branches and bodies to table no more than 4 motions.

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