Friday, May 27

NUJ Left - Quality Journalism, Social Justice, Peace and Equality

The NUJ Left will be holding an annual general meeting

Saturday 4 June 2011
St Aloysius social club
20 Phoenix Road
London NW1 1TA.

The meeting will start at noon and finish at 4:00pm.

The provisional agenda is:

1) NUJ disputes.

2) 30 June, the day the civil service union, PCS, and education unions have proposed for co-ordinated strike action over cuts and pensions.

3) Union matters.

4) Election for post of deputy general secretary of the NUJ. We will hopefully be running a hustings for this post. If any prospective candidate would like to address the meeting them please contact the NUJ Left.

5) AOB, elections for NUJ committee.

There will be a pooled fare where people in London help subsidise travel costs of those from outside London.

NUJ members wanting to attend the meeting can join on the door

(Joining fee £6, equivalent to six months subs for the NUJ Left)

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